Thursday, May 28, 2009

Doesn't Every Child Deserve a Summer to Remember?

Want to help The Fresh Air Fund?

They recently received a tremendous offer by some very generous donors. Any gift given from now until June 30th will be matched dollar for dollar!

To find out more, visit there website here: The Fresh Air Fund

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Protect Our Children from BPA!

I just received the following message and would urge you to take action. I sure am. We must protect our children from these harmful toxins!

Here's the message:

Despite all of the media attention about the safety of kids products over the last year; the toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) is still found in products that kids use every day, like baby bottles, sports water bottles, the lining of formula cans, and sippy cups

This is a real problem because more than 200 studies have linked BPA exposures at very low doses to breast and prostate cancer, obesity, diabetes, altered development of the brain and immune systems, lowered sperm counts, and early puberty. Growing children are especially at risk from BPA because they have smaller bodies. In fact, BPA is so toxic that even very small amounts have been shown to cross the placenta and impact prenatal development.1

Together we can change this! Urge your members of Congress to co-sponsor the Ban Poisonous Additives Act, which will prohibit the sale of food and beverage containers that contain BPA.

After you contact Congress, please forward this email to your friends so they can send a letter too. It's going to take all of our voices to make these changes.

States are starting to ban these chemicals, but they can't do it alone. Congress must follow the lead of the states to make sure all of our children are protected. Last week, after hearing from thousands of concerned moms and dads, Minnesota legislators stood up to the chemical industry and joined Canada, Suffolk County, NY, and even retailers like Wal-Mart and Sears in eliminating bisphenol-A (BPA) from kids products. Twenty other states, including California, Connecticut, Michigan and New York, are considering similar bans.

Unfortunately, state action alone will not be enough.

We need to harness this MOM-entum to protect all children from BPA exposure by urging our federal representatives to support the "Ban Poisonous Additives Act of 2009" being introduced by Senator Feinstein and Representative Markey. This legislation will eliminate BPA from the everyday items our children use such as baby bottles, sippy cups, reusable water bottles, and infant formula containers.

Send your legislators a letter today!

Lobbyists for the plastics and chemical industries are descending on Washington, DC in droves in an effort to stop federal legislation banning BPA. We need to let our legislators know that everyday citizens (also known as voters!), will not tolerate dangerous chemicals harming our children. Please forward this email to friends so they can send a letter too.

We only have two weeks to generate the co-sponsors and congressional support needed to move this important legislation forward. Don't forget to send a letter now using the easy link below:

Every message makes a difference. Together we can build a safer and healthier future for all children.

-- Joan, Kristin, Ariana, Anita, Dionna, and the whole team

P.S. Thank you to our partner, The Breast Cancer Fund, for their tireless work on this important issue.


Friday, May 1, 2009

May's Scent of the Month - Sweet Pea

Hello! I wanted to let you know about this month's Candle of the Month fragrance.

Check it out below!

If you would like to order, please contact me by replying back to this message or order directly from my Web site:

Candle of the Month Notice

Fragrance: Sweet Pea 16oz JarStock Number: 242

Description: The fragrance of this flower will take you to times past. Sweet Pea is a delicate and sweet floral, sure to become a favorite.

I also would like to invite you to view our new candle business opportunity video.

You can view it here:

If you would like to read more news about what is going on with Scent-Sations, Inc. & Mia Bella's Gourmet Products, check out the monthly company newsletters:

Are you interested in our products? Go here to see a full line of all the products we have to offer:

Are you interested in becoming a Candle of the Month member? Go here to read more information about the great Scent-Sations, Inc. business opportunity: